Sunday 15 April 2007

Sue the happy poo and forest bear

I have 2 new little friends to show you now...

Sue the happy poo... as requested by my lovely friends at work coz well mike loves sue coz she is poo!
and Forest bear who is soooo cute! I am getting much better at amigurumi now and although he was really hard to make using that wool it works well as you cant see the joins or stiches :D.

Friday 13 April 2007


OMG so i found Arigurumi! whats this? you may ask... well its the Japanese art of crocheting small cute creatures. Here is my very first attempt ... Funny Bunny, so named as im sure as i learn to make these she will begin to look funnier and funnier :D. I love her though she is so cute.

My inspiration came from Amigurumi Kingdom which can be found here :

Thursday 12 April 2007

I have learnt a couple more crochet stiches... the granny square and some fishnet stiches.
I also got a little bored of the practicing and made a little bag to keep my crochet bits and bobs in :)

Thursday 5 April 2007

Crochet success!

Well I have learn to crochet and seem to have mastered the basic stitches. Now i need to learn some of the more complex ones but i really want to get on with making something! my fingers are itching

Single crochet

Double Crochet

Treble Crochet

And finally a circle :D

Monday 2 April 2007


So today i am going to start learning to crochet! would love to actually be able o make jumpers and the like! We will have to see how it goes! I know where to start just need to get some wool and maybe a book to get some different techniques!


So I made my woolley hair, its pretty and took ages! I made it using merino unspun dyed wool tops, I ordered 4 types of pink and a blue. I then soaked them in hot soapy water and rolled them on a towel until my hands hurt!

I installed it onto my head and now think I might re-make it, its a little big and swaps my tiny head! I might try felting black onto the ends to suit my styling more.